La Sociedade de Caridad de Santa Rita [The Charity Society of Saint Rita] Scrapbook
Content Description
This work is an untitled scrapbook of the La Sociedade de Caridad de Santa Rita [The Charity Society of Saint Rita]. In a news clipping from 1963, located within the scrapbook, the society is described as being a club for "Mexican-born residents of San Diego," which at the time was 33 years old and had 70 members. The society is connected closely to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is located in Logan Heights, San Diego. The scrapbook includes photos, news clippings, and invitations documenting the activities of the society from approximately 1934 to 1964. Activities are celebratory and charitable in nature, often aligning with Catholic holidays and including events such as shoe drives, layettes and bassinets for new babies, and raising funds for medical expenses for those in need. They also hold several fundraisers and anniversary events. The majority of those named in newspaper clips and pictured in photographs are women, with the exception of Catholic priests. The photographs are all in black-and-white and many of them are professional according to the book seller, Bolerium Books.
- 1934 - 1964
Language of Materials
Scrapbook consists of pasted-in materials primarily in Spanish with occasional English materials included
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Biographical / Historical
The La Sociedade de Caridad de Santa Rita [The Charity Society of Saint Rita]. In a news clipping from 1963, located within the scrapbook, the society is described as being a club for "Mexican-born residents of San Diego," which at the time was 33 years old and had 70 members. The society is connected closely to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is located in Logan Heights, San Diego.
1 Volumes
Scrapbook record of the activities of the Society of Santa Rita de San Diego. Coverless scrapbook of approximately 46 pages (11x8.5") include black-and-white professional photo images, several news clips from newspapers in Spanish or English, and additional invitations and inserts. Material ranges from mid 1930s-1960s and is mostly in Spanish.
Untitled scrapbook is arranged loosely by date. Dates are interspersed throughout the work and photo captions are not frequent.
Physical Location
KELL 1006 13.d.4
Custodial History
This scrapbook was purchased by CSUSM University Library on September 5, 2024, from Bolerium Books, San Francisco, CA.
Condition Description
Scrapbook is worn and torn in a few places. Several pages are bare with evident adhesions and detached materials that may belong on those pages.
Dimensions are 11in x 8.5", coverless
Statement on Harmful and/or Offensive Language in Our Collections
Processing Information
Processed by Jennifer Fabbi [2024/11/15]
Inventory by Page
Brown paper bound with leather tie
Quotation marks refer to the item title when available. When translated the translated title is preceded by an = sign.
Cover (Page 1): “Prodigiosa Conservacion de Santa Rita de Casia” = Prodigious Conservation of Santa Rita de Casia (clipping, Spanish)
Page 2: two clippings “Roses of St. Rita to be Blessed at Mass on Saturday” (clipping, English) Clipping from “The Southern Cross” San Diego, May 14, 1937
“Notas de San Diego, California” June 11, 1950 [year handwritten] (clipping, Spanish) • “Agasajo para el Rev. padre Silva en San Diego, Calif.” = Entertainment for Rev. Father Silva in San Diego, Calif.” • “Banquete para el padre Benjamin Silva el Viernes” = “Banquet for Father Benjamin Silva on Friday
Page 3: Photo card "Salvador personales y benediciones celestiales" = personal savior and heavenly blessings B. Silva, S.J., June 9, 1950 Handwritten: "Nuestro Director de la Socieded de Santa Rita Rev. Padre Benjamin Silva, S.J. S.J." = a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Page 4: Black-and-white 5x7 photo image of two nuns surrounded by nine additional women looking forward at the camera Faint blue ink marking “193x”
Page 5: Black-and-white 8x10 photo image of nineteen people
Page 6: three 2x3 photo images • "Altar de Santa Rita Patrona de nuestra socieded. El dia 22 de Mayo de 1951." = Altar of Saint Rita Patroness of our society. May 22, 1951. Image shows a male religious figure in front of an altar in the foreground and a female (possibly a nun) in the background. • "Grupo de socias al frente de la iglesia de nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. Mayo 22 de 1951." = Group of members in front of the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. May 22, 1951. Image of a group of approximately 40 people standing in front of church doors. • "Nuestro director Rev. Padre Silva con la mesa dirictiva Presidenta: Ernestina R. De Trevino. Vice P. Lupa Paderis. Tesorera Leonor Foncireada. Sec. Sara Castro. Una de los vocation Amelia Salazar." = Our director Rev. Father Silva with the board of directors, picturing president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and one of the vocation.
Page 7: two photo images, one approx. 3x4 partially tucked behind one 5x7 • 3x4 photo unlabeled includes approx. 20 women and possibly Rev. Padre Silva • "Canastilla que obsequio Sociedad de Santa Rita a la Clinica de Guadalupe/Bebito que nacio el 25 de Diciembre 1950 Sharon Evonne Adams" = Basket that the Society of Santa Rita gave to the Guadalupe Clinic/baby boy born on December 25, 1950 [photo of what appears to be a Black woman looking down at a Black baby in a basket/bassinette]
Pages 8-9: page 8 has captions that may correspond to two 5x7 photo images on page 9 • "Presidenta Gracia R. Garcia / Mayo 22 1938 a Mayo 22 1939 / Con nuestro director Rev. Damian Sobeo." = President Gracia R. Garcia May 22, 1938 to May 22, 1939 with our director Rev. Damian Sobeo. [photo for this caption seems to be missing as there is an empty space and evidence that an insert was there at one time] • "Un grupo de socias con nuestro Director el Rev. Padre Silva, S.J. Mayo 1939 Padre Damian Sobeo" = a group of members with our Director, Rev. Father Silva, S.J. May 1939 [this caption most likely applies to the two 5x7 photos on page 9, which each picture a large group of women with a male religious figure] • Partially tucked behind one of the 5x7 photo images (easily removed) appears to be a prayer card featuring a photo of a female religious figure on one side and text in Spanish on the opposite side. Title is “Oracion de la Santa Madre Iglesia en el dia de Santa Rita de Casia” = Prayer of the Holy Mother Church on the day of Saint Rita de Casia [dated May 22, 1952]
Page 10: four clippings
“Actividades de la Sociedad de Caridad de Santa Rita” = Activities of the Santa Rita Charity Society [handwritten date ano de 1934] (clipping, Spanish)
“Luncheon Honors Santa Rita Group Retiring Officers” (clipping, English)
“Charity Group to Meet Today at Tijuana Club” (clipping, English)
“Charity Association of Guadalupe Church Holds Banquet” (clipping, English) [dated August 11, no year]
One loose clipping titled “Father Silva, A Priest 65 Years, Dies.” (clipping, English) [no date] • A native of Zamora, Michoacan, Father Silva studied at the seminary in Zamora and was ordained there June 9, 1900.
Page 11: one photo image sized 8x10; photo appears to be a formal group shot possibly during or after an event mentioned on page 10
Page 12: two clippings "Nacimientos, Defunciones, Matrimonios, Bautizios, Ono Masticos" = Births, Deaths, Marriages, Baptisms, Name [Dated Sunday, May 24, 1936] “Muy Lucida fue la Fiesta en Honor de la Derectiva del Club ‘Santa Rita’” = The Party in Honor of the Board of Directors of the ‘Santa Rita’ Club was Very Bright (clipping, Spanish)
Second is dated Tuesday morning, December 5, 1938 in The San Diego Union [rest of publication name omitted]: “Saint Rita Society Plans Basket Gifts” (clipping, English)
Page 13: one photo image sized 8x10; photo appears to be a group shot of all women with a faded caption reading “Sociedad de Sta Rita en casa de [name illegible]"
Page 14: one photo image and one letter Photo image approx. size 3x5 includes mostly women with one male [possibly a priest]
Letter is in Spanish stamped with the seal, "Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Servico Consular" = Secretary of Foreign Affairs Consular Service [letter in Spanish] "Asunto: Donativos para los damnificados de Mazatlan, Sin." = Subject: Donations for victims of Mazatlan, Sin. Dated December 3, 1943 Addressed to Sra (Senora) Juana Meza; signed by E. Ruiz Russek
Program tucked between pages 14-15, possibly previously affixed to page 14 "Programa Organizado el Club de Sras. De Sta Rita, Para la Navidad del Nino Pobre" = Program Organized by the Ladies' Club of Santa Rita, for the Christmas of the Poor Child [Program in Spanish] Dated Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th, October 1941 Typed program lists fifteen entries for acts performed Edits made in pencil Backside includes somewhat illegible scribbling of names and dates, mostly crossed out
Page 15: five photo images, approx. 2x4 Photos of women sitting at banquet tables Handwritten caption reads "Banquete Del Club de Sta Rita en el San Diego Club de San Diego California" = St. Rita's Club Banquet at the San Diego Club in San Diego, California
Page 16: two clippings “Santa Rita de San Diego es una Sociedad de gran Caridad” = Saint Rita of San Diego is a Society of Great Charity (clipping Spanish) Handwritten inscription reads “El Reporter: San Diego Viernes 24 de Oct 1952” = The Reporter: San Diego Friday, Oct 24, 1952
“Tijuana School Children See San Diego Zoo” (clipping, English)
Page 17: one clipping, no title From “El Reporter”(handwritten inscription) Dated Viernes 9 de Enero De 1953 = Friday, January 9, 1953 First line states “Damos a conocer a la H. Colonia Mexicana que la actitud generosa de Hipodromo de Tijuana, es ilimitada en su radio de accion, pues en algunas ciudades de la republica Mexicana comoen esta ciudad.” = We inform the H. Mexican Colony that the generous attitude of Hipodromo de Tijuana is unlimited in its radius of action, since in some cities of the Mexican Republic such as this city.
Page 18: two clippings Title clipping reads Lost Angeles Times, Monday morning, January 12, 1953
“Samaritans: New Friends Aid [a man attempting to immigrate from Mexico] After Injury” (clipping, English)
Page 19: one clipping “Came Here for Work: Boy Who Lost Leg Going Back Home” (clipping, English) The San Diego Union, Sunday January 11, 1953 Photo caption: "Mexican Youth Makes Friends: Carlos Chavez, a 19-year-old Mexican youth who lost his right leg in train accident smiles up at Mrs. Santiago A. Campbell, who helped secure artificial leg for him through Santa Rita Charity Society."
Page 20: one clipping, one printed card Clipping is dated Wednesday May 27, 1953 from the “Evening Tribune” Photo includes three women, each holding a plate and cup.
Card reads “La Socieded de Caridad Santa Rita tiene el gusto de invitar a usted a la reception que en honor de sus Socias Fundarosas y ex-presidentas celebrara en 'La Sala' House of Hospitality, Balboa Park el viernes 22 del presente, de 3 a 5 p.m. Mayo de 1953.” = The Saint Rita Charitable Society has the pleasure of inviting you to the reception in honor of its Founding Members and Past Presidents which will be held at "La Sala" House of Hospitality, Balboa Park on Friday, May 22nd instant, from 3 to 5 p.m., 1953.
Page 21: one 8x10 photo image assumed to be taken at the reception described on page 20
Page 22: one clipping, one printed card Clipping has no title; “en la entrevista que tuvimos con el senor Consul Santiago A Campbell, en busca de infomacion sobre el senor Johnny Alessio, aprovecho la ocasion para agradecera; Senor Alessio la eficaz ayuda en auxilio de algun ‘Mexicano de Afuera…’" = In the interview we had with Mr. Consul Santiago A. Campbell, in search of information about Mr. Johnny Alessio, I take the opportunity to thank Mr. Alessio for his effective help in aiding some "Mexicans from abroad…" Clipping includes a photo of a man (presumably Mr. Allesio) and woman Handwritten note: Reporter de San Diego, dated July 18, 1953
Printed card reads “misa solemne en honor de Santa Rita, el dia 22 de mayo La 10 de la manana en la Parroquia de Guadalupe” = Solemn mass in honor of Saint Rita, on May 22 at 10 a.m. in the Parish of Guadalupe (card, Spanish)
Page 23: photo appears to have been peeled off the page
Loose 8x10 photo image of what appears to be an audience turned toward a focal point Handwritten caption on back is “San Diego – Mayo 22 de 1964. J.R. Meza Caridade de Santa Rita."
Page 24: one 8x10 photo image of several women and children with wrapped gifts in foreground
Page 25: one clipping, one photo image “Society to Serve Double Helping of Cheer Dec. 22” (handwritten year 1957) Photograph on newsprint presumed to be related to clipping; caption is covered by another photo
Approx. 3x5 image of two women with a baby carriage
Pages 26-27: one clipping spanning both pages Three photographs: 1. Three women 2. Two women 3. Three women with holiday stockings For the Children: Members of the Sant Rita de Cacia Society entertained 200 underprivileged children at a recent party in the annex of Guadalupe Church. In the first photo, Mrs. John L. Scolari, Mrs. Edward Grosso, and Mrs. Felix S. Meza, left to right, admire a pinata. The bassinet, second photo, was given to a needy family. Mrs. Luis Garcia, left, and Mrs. George Salzar inspect part of the layette which also was donated. In the last photo, Mrs. Frank Wilcox, Mrs. Lester Wittenberg, and Mrs. David L. Short, left to right, check filled stockings. Mrs. Meza is serving for the third time as president of the organization. Evening Tribune, dated Friday, December 28, 1956
Page 28: one clipping, one card, one ticket stub “Dances to Highlight Santa Rita Barbecue” (clipping, English)
Printed card reads “Please make checks payable to Santa Rita Charity Society and mail to Mrs. Manuel Bringas”
Printed ticket stub reads “Santa Rita Charity Society Spring Fantasy Fashions by Jordan Marsh Department Store,” Donation $2.50 Dated Thursday, April 4, 1957
Page 29: Four clippings “Wives of Consuls Invited to Santa Rita Benefit” (clipping, English) Article related to ticket stub found on page 28 Handwritten date April 4, 1957
“Society to Honor Wife of Consul” (clipping, English)
“Comida mensual en la Sociedad de Santa Rita de Casia” = Monthly lunch at the Society of Saint Rita of Casia (clipping, Spanish)
“Charity Group Sets Barbecue” (clipping, English) Article related to “Dances to Highlight Santa Rita Barbecue” on page 28
Page 30: one printed card, three clippings "La sociedad de Caridad de Santa Rita celebrara su 28o Anniversario el 22 del presente" = The Charity Society of Santa Rita will celebrate its 28th Anniversary on the 22nd of this month (card, Spanish) May 1957 Donation $1.85
“Charity Club Spring Party” (clipping, English) Related to “Spring Fantasy” ticket stub on page 28
“Mrs. Felix Mesa [sic.] is New President" (clipping, English) Dated Thursday, May 23, 1957
“Aniversario de la Sociedad ‘Santa Rita de Casia’” (clipping, Spanish) Handwritten date 1957
Loose clipping (Spanish) “Como siempre San diego Pendiente de los Problemas” = As always San Diego Attentive to Problems
Loose typed manuscript, two stapled pages (English) Manuscriot looks to be a transcript of a newspaper article about the charitable activities of the Santa Rita de Cacia Society that was submitted by Elvira L. Wittenberg and approved by Mrs. Felix Meza, President. Minor edits are made in pencil. No date.
Page 31: One 8x10 photo image of eight women and one man (possibly a priest) sitting at a banquet table
Page 32: One 8x10 photo image of fourteen women and two priests standing behind a banquet table Captioned “Sociedad de Sta Rita San Diego, Calif. Bali Hai, 1957, Mayo 22"
Page 33: One 8x10 photo image of twenty-two women and two priests
Page 34: One 8x10 photo image of seven women and two priests in foreground Captioned “Regalo de Amelita Salazar” = Gift from Alamita Salazar Seems to be at same event as photo image on page 33
Page 35: One 8x10 photo image of approximately 20 women and 3 priests around an L-shaped banquet table
One loose clipping featuring a photo with Mrs. Raol Martinez, retiring president; Mrs. Feliz Meza, current president; Father Silva; Mrs. James Kendall, vice president; and Mrs. Aurora Rodriguez, treasurer. Taken on the 35th anniversary of Santa Rita de Casia Charity Club, a charitable organization working within Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
Page 36: One 8x10 photo image of five women and two priests in the foreground sitting at a banquet table
Page 37: One 8x10 photo image of twenty-five women and one priest arranged in two rows Captioned “Donado per la Sra Conchita Sanchez” = Donated by Mrs. Conchita Sanchez
Page 38: One 8x10 photo image of six women and one priest
Page 39: One 8x10 photo image of five women and one priest
Page 40: One 8x10 photo image of approximately 28 women, one young girl, and seven nuns sitting in front of a table
Page 41: One 8x10 photo image of approximately 25 women and one priest in two rows
Page 42: page dated Mayo 22 – 1962 2 clippings, 2 cards, one printed invitation
“Luncheon Set” (clipping, English)
“Santa Rita Charity Society will install officers…” (clipping, English)
Card reading Sra Carmen Martinez Presidenta 1962 [with image of cross] Card reading Sra Minnie Kendal Vice Pres 1962 [with image of cross]
Printed invitation: “La Sociedad de Caridad de Santa Rita tiene el gusto de inviter a Ud. A sus amistadesa una Misa Solemne en la iglesia de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe” = The Charity Society of Santa Rita has the pleasure of inviting you and your friends to a Solemn Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe Lunch = $2.60
Page 43: one clipping, three 2.5x5 photo images, evidence of one clipping removed
Clipping (1963): “Mexican Mother To Have Her Day” (clipping, English)
One image of seven people in front of a residence/building, hand labeled (Dia de madre Mayo 10 -1963) One image of a man, woman, and child in front of a house One image of two women and two men in front of a residence/building
Page 44: one printed invitation and two photo images
Invitation: “La Sociedad de Caridad de Santa Rita inviter a usted a sus amistades a una Misa Solemne en la iglesia de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe con motivo de celebrar su aniversario” = The Charity Society of Santa Rita invites you and your friends to a Solemn Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe to celebrate its anniversary. [May 22, 1963]
3x3 photo image: woman with bassinet [Dec. 22, 1963] 3x3 photo image: two young boys each holding up a pair of shoes in what appears to be a shoe store
Page 45: 3 photo images [Dec. 22, 1963] 3x3 photo image of ten young boys holding shoe boxes in what appears to be a shoe store 2.5x5 photo image of five women with one woman in background 2.5x5 photo image of what appears to be four women and possibly a young child (very faded condition)
Page 46: 4 3x3 photo images [Dec. 22, 1963] Clockwise: 3x3 image of approximately five women and six children 3x3 image of approximately three women and seven children 3x3 image of eight children 3x3 image of three young women
Page 47: 5 photo images Clockwise: 3x6 image of one woman, and two men [May 10, 1963] 3x3 image of three women and one boy with a bassinet [Dec 22, 1963] 3x3 image of five women and four children [Dec 22, 1963] 3x3 image of ten children holding packages/gifts 3x3 image of ten children holding packages/gifts
Page 48: one clipping and one printed invitation “Club Sets Birthday Celebration” (clipping, English) Printed invitation: “La Sociedad de Caridad de Santa Rita celebrara su 35o Aniverssario el 22 del presente” = The Charity Society of Santa Rita will celebrate its 35th Anniversary on the 22nd of this month. Donation $2.50 [dated mayo 1964]
- Title
- Guide to La Sociedade de Caridad de Santa Rita [The Charity Society of Saint Rita] Scrapbook
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Jennifer Fabbi
- Date
- 2024-11-15
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin (Gaelic variant)
Repository Details
Part of the CSUSM Special Collections Repository
California State University San Marcos Library
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos California 92096-0001 United States